Join YOUR Grassroots Organization

Become an internal Committeemen, Precinct Captain, or Simply Volunteer

Volunteer and Lead Success.

This campaign beings and ends with you! You are essential to restoring new representation to the 9th Congressional District of Illinois through your leadership, campaign volunteering, and outreach on behalf of OUR mission. Do not hesitate or falter if you possesses a desire to be a part of something bigger than yourself!


Committeeman are leaders in their individual townships, organizing the precinct captains, and volunteers in activities such as knocking on doors, calling their neighbors, organizing events, getting out the vote, and more. They are essential to the success of any campaign ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!

All internal committeeman will work with their respective elected counterparts; although, they will focus solely on achieving new representation in the 9th Congressional District of Illinois.

Precinct Captain

Precinct Captains are leaders in their individual neighborhoods. They are responsible for knowing everyone in their area of responsibility, understanding the issues that are most impactful in their life, and getting out the vote. Precinct captains are the first individuals voters turn to, and they are essential to the success of any campaign ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!

All internal precinct captains will work with their respective elected counterparts; although, they will focus solely on achieving new representation in the 9th Congressional District of Illinois.


Volunteers are the lifeblood of any campaign, giving the most important capital they possess- time, to ensure the values they hold and the change they so strongly desire come to pass. Volunteers will help make phone calls, get out the vote, and assist with other essential campaign activities at their own convenience. Volunteers are essential to the success of any campaign ESPECIALLY THIS ONE!