Citizens of the 9th Congressional District of Illinois are facing unprecedented challenges in the 21st century

  • Inflation

    Through monetary and fiscal policy, the US Gov’t has imposed a very real tax on the American people. Bluntly, both parties are subject to blame for their rampant spending habits. Moral leadership and mature problem solving is the sole solution.

    • Average inflation rate for 2021, 2022, and 2023 was 4.7%, 8.0%, and 4.1% respectively

    • Food increase by 11% from 2021 to 2022

    • Cumulatve inflation is up 20% since President Biden took office

    • Average US inflation rate over the last decade is 2.65%

  • Immigration

    The US Gov’t has been derelict in their duties of ensuring the southern border of the United States is properly controlled and legally governed. This has caused massive internal pressures on both the border and in the interior of the United States. While empathy must be felt for economic migrants coming from other countries, the American people’s interests must come first.

    • Aug 2021: 200,000 illegal crossings

    • Oct 2022: 853 migrants died crossing border, deadliest on record

    • Jan 2023: 250,000 border crossings, worst month in history

    • Since 2001, there has been over 7 million illegal border crossings

  • Israel

    The approach of some Congressmen towards America’s greatest ally is nothing short of reprehensible. Israel, a strategic partner in the Middle East, a sovereign democratic nation, and the homeland of the Jewish people, was attacked by an immoral band of terrorists- Hamas, on Oct 7th. Furthermore, the widespread antisemitism on campus has created an unsafe and untenable situation for Jewish Americans trying to peacefully attain a college education.

    • Oct 7 2023: 1,200 Israeli’s murdered and 36 children butchered

    • April 22 2024: Michigan students chant for a renewed intifada

    • April 26 2024: 53 encampments on American college campuses

    • May 1 2024: 300 students arrested in NYC

    • May 1 2024: Northwestern University capitulates to protestors

Inflation is an Avoidable Tax on Americans

As your congressman, and leveraging my knowledge as an economics education at the University of Chicago, I will work endlessly to perform every measurable action within my power to protect the buying power of your hard earned dollar. Government is solely responsible for causing inflation through increasing the money supply by actions either from the Federal Reserve or the Department of the Treasury. This manipulation of American currency makes it more expensive for you to purchase food, gas, clothes, toiletries, it increases the cost of your car insurance, prevents your children from buying their first home or car, and more.

Congress has failed to protect the American people through their fiscal insanity and deficit spending. As your Congressman, I will stand up for your children, neighbors, brothers, and sisters, wives, and husbands, friends, and other family members by urging and advocating for rational spending. If we continue to spend more than we take in, more drastic actions will need to be taken to avoid catastrophe.

Seth Cohen’s Solution to Economic Woes:

  • While the country transitions to greener energy substitutes and technologies, grow the economy and GDP by unleashing the abundant stores of American natural gas, simultaneously lowering fuel prices

  • Cut deficit spending drastically and expend American coffers thoughtfully and maturely without partisan and personal political input

  • Decrease taxes to energize growth and investment in new companies, technologies, and existing industries, and intelligently end redundant regulations which have shackled growth, hampered the entrepreneurial spirit, and the creation of new technology, goods, and services

  • End corruption in the Department of Defense acquisition process, ensuring the American people are paying fair market price for goods and services, lowering annual defense spending increases and increasing a return on investment

  • Exploit the success of H.R.4346 - Chips and Science Act (2022) and invest in technologies which will grow GDP, create jobs, increase tax revenue, and facilitate future prosperity

Illegal Immigration is Hurting America & her Citizens

As your congressman, I will work day and night to ensure illegal immigrants are not adversely effecting the district and entering the country illegally. To be clear, immigration is a critical component of the American dream and I wholeheartedly support immigration by legal means. Individuals wait years if not decades to enter the nation, eager to partake in the prosperity of free market capitalism and the promise of our foundational individual liberty.

But economic migrants are not asylum seekers, though I possess great empathy for them, and the current governments dereliction of duty is an outrage to its purpose of facilitating life, liberty, and property for its citizens.

Wielding moral courage, I will not only vote to close the southern border from economic migrants, infuse more capital into proven solutions, and hold government official accountable, but work across bipartisan lines to find a clear and effective resolution to the issue.

Seth Cohen’s Solution to the US - Mexico Immigration Crisis:

  • Secure the border and close it besides normal ports of entry to regain control of the situation with the help of the National Guard and other entities

  • Increase the Boarder Patrol, the use of drones, and other technologies, and build a wall in specific places where it makes sense

  • Maintain theRemain in Mexico Policy” to ensure undocumented migrants are kept outside of the inner-continental United States until they’ve been processed

  • Reform current immigration law by engaging productively with Democrats, Republicans, NGOs, think tanks, governmental workers in the space with explicit experience, historians, and policy academics to find lasting solutions

  • Drastically increase the number of judges available to process undocumented migrants expediently

Israel + Jewish Students Need our Support Now More Than Ever

As your congressman, you can expect me to possess and exercise the moral courage to stand up for America’s greatest strategic partner and the sole democracy in the region. I will vote to send resources and aid to assist Israel in destroying Hamas, an American recognized terrorist organization responsible for the vile and reprehensible cold-blooded murder of 850+ Israeli civilians.

Furthermore, I will vehemently toil to hold certain college administrators and presidents responsible for facilitating an environment which is clearly fuming with antisemitism and hatred. I unapologetically support free speech, a principle solely tested as one’s detractors and enemies exercise their rights. But the recent Jewish experience on campus has been nothing short of intimidation, violence, and racism towards Jewish college students simply attempting to earn an education. Verbally supporting the Palestinians is one thing, but crying for the murder of Jews and threatening Jewish students with physical assault and death is another.

Seth Cohen’s Solution to Israel & His Thoughts on Anti-Semitism:

  • Provide military, economic, and logistical aid to the Israeli Defense Forces as they seek to destroy the terrorist organization known as Hamas, freeing the Palestinians and Israelis from their death, desolation, and cruel ideology

  • Unequivocally support a single Israeli State so the Palestinian’s and the people of the region can enjoy the access to education, healthcare, religious tolerance, security, economic prosperity, and civil rights that those currently living in the State of Israel enjoy in abundance

  • Urge the Department of Defense to facilitate in increase in integrated training exercises between the IDF and the US Military

  • Continue the efforts of Congress to actively question college presidents, high school principles, and other heads of academic organizations which have allowed intimidation and physical violence against Jewish students

  • Confront anti-semitism unapologetically, and within the confines of the law and our shared American values, in the streets, on campuses, in news rooms, written in newspapers, posted online, in the clothes people wear, and the words individuals say

  • Wear Jewish garbs, attend a synagogue which aligns with your current values, light the Shabbat candles and say the Shabbat prayer regardless off how religious you are, spend time with your family, friends, and neighbors, and build a relationship with G-d in whatever capacity you feels is appropriate


